Monday, July 25, 2011


One year left!

So, I'm turning 29 at the end of this week and I've been thinking of resurrecting this blog for quite some time. I was 26 and writing this from a student lounge on the campus of my school when I wrote this list. I was a little nervous that I'd come back, read this list and be overwhelmed by all the hopes and dreams I had back then that I may have since abandoned. It was quite a nice surprise to see how many things I've accomplished or am in the process of accomplishing. So here's the old list, with my new edits in italics:

1) Quit smoking (Well, I'm working on it. Today is day 2, yet again. I will say that smoking is something I am determined NOT to bring into my thirties.)

2) Pay off my student loans (Should be done by January '12 or March '12 the latest)

3) Dye my hair RED (Actually, I'm probably going to get highlights)

4) Join a gym and get in shape for the first time ever (Start running.)

5) Buy a starter apartment (Should be able to start looking as soon as the student loan is paid off!)

6) Learn to live on a budget (Done! Mostly)

7) Cultivate a taste for Scotch (Done! I'm a single malt girl!)

8) Improve posture (meh.)

9) Consistently get up when the alarm goes off the first time (Abandoned.)

10) Get my teeth whitened and veneers (Abandoned. I'll settle with OTC and getting the nicotine stains out as best as possible)

11) Improve my credit to the point where #5 will be possible (Done!)

12) Go to Mardi Gras (Abandoned. I think it's over rated)

13) Learn Spanish well enough to understand people on the train (Probably not going to happen)

14) Enroll in the 401K (Done!)

15) Enter, and perhaps complete, grad school (On hold. Maybe I will, maybe I won't)

16) Take care of my skin

17) Get hobby that doesn't qualify as a vice (In the running: sewing or pottery)

18) Learn to type (I know, I know...) (Meh. I manage)

19) Own a real pet (Done!)

20) Straighten out my identification situation (Done!)

21) Bring my voice down an octave (Meh.)

22) Get back into yoga (Probably not but I'd still like to)

23) Take up a martial art (or at least try a few classes to see if I like it) (Again, maybe, maybe not.)


24) Sort out my love life.

25) Learn to drive

26) Volunteer with Brady for dog therapy.

27) Work on being more positive about myself. (That originally said, "be less negative")

28) Be able to get through the weekend without abandoning healthy eating.

29) Be more social.

30) Dress more fashionably on a day to day basis.

So, I think that leaves a pretty good list of things I can and will do in the next 367 days!

Wish me luck! I'll try to remember to update!

Edit: Also, stop procrastinating!!!