Thursday, December 29, 2011

Not a happy camper.

I tried to run last night.  It didn't work.  I'm pissed.  I just can't make my foot work right.  If it was just pain, I'd push on, but I just can't land my steps right.

I just want to be better so I can get back out there.  This sucks.

Bitch-Bitch.  Whine-Whine.

Maybe this is a good time to look at some of my other goals...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dumb and dumber

I got back to my desk after getting an electrode treatment at my podiatrist's this afternoon on the verge of tears.  He told me I should take another week off from running.  I just can't cope with that.  No. No. No.  I'm getting fat again.  I'm bored as hell.  I'm getting depressed.  I'm daydreaming about smoking.  And I have a 4 Miler this weekend. 

Yes, it was dumb to run on my foot when it was hurting.  It will potentially be dumber to run on it tonight against my doctor's recommendation.  I just can't help it.  I have to try.

Baby steps.

The thought of missing my race is killing me.  If I don't race, I'm supposed to go to my sister's husband's aunt's house for a party.  As much as I appreciate being invited to go to my sister's husband's aunt's house for a party, it makes me feel like a loser being there.  Like I couldn't find anyone more closely connected to me to spend new year's eve with than my sister's husband's aunt?

No. No. No.  I will not tag along on someone else's plans.  I will run.  I must run.  I may limp.  I will finish.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Good news and bad news...

I heard somewhere that you should start with the bad news so you leave things off on a good note, so here goes.

I did something terrible to my right foot last week.  On Monday it felt funny while I was running but I decided to power through it.  Bad move.  It started to hurt and I had to limp home.  I took off last Tuesday hoping it would heal.  Wednesday I had to stop running (more like thunking) after a mile and limp home.  Since then I've been icing it but it hasn't improved. 

I saw my podiatrist on Wednesday.  He gave me an anti inflammatory, told me to do 10 minutes in ice water and 10 in hot water, to create a pump to get rid of the fluid.  I'm not supposed to be on my feet any more than neccessary.  I probably won't be able to run my race.  I probably won't be able to take my class. 

I can feel my fitness level dropping and my muscles turning to jelly.

If I don't improve by next Wednesday, I go back for a cortizone shot.  Even if that works right away, I probably won't be up to my level in time to race or start class. 

It sucks.

The good news is that I went in to sign the contracts for the condo.  There's a few sticky points but hopefully everything will be moving forward shortly.

Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Central Park - 1, Me - 1

Brady doesn't like seeing me pack my bag to go running.  This was after I chased him out of it twice already.
This weekend, Central Park did not win, I won!  I ran the entire loop without stopping!  I strategized it better this time and ran so that the Northern Hills would be at the last leg of my run, not in the beginning.  I also slowed myself down so I had the energy required to make it up the biggest hill. 

It was hard.  I wanted to run faster.  I didn't want to accept all of the people zipping by me, but I swallowed my pride and paced myself.  The only time I sped up was the last mile or so when I realised I was trailing a little old lady.  No, I'm not exaggerating.  There was a little old lady runner running in front of me.  I felt too pathetic running behind her so I pulled on ahead.  (Let me tell you, I felt just as pathetic feeling happy about passing her as I did when I was running behind her.  She was the only person I passed all day...)

Running in the Park is a lot of fun but it's also incredibly humbling.  The lower you go, the more crowded it is and the more runners you see.  A lot of them are doing smaller loops so even the runners who are about at my level are running faster because they aren't running as far.  Then when you get up north, you start to see a lot less people, and all the runners that you do see are much more hard core.  They tend to be doing hill repeats and look really good doing it.  I almost feel in the way when I'm up there and it makes me feel a certain kinship with the very few runners who you see walking up to the top of the hill.  ("Kinship" as in "I feel your pain, but look at me I'm still running!  Nannynannypoopoo")  Then there are the really hard core runners that you see a few times along the path, the ones who are all sweat and muscle, who don't even take notice of you as they pass you by with the grace of a gazelle.  After the second or third time you see them running towards you, you realize that they are running the same long path you are, they are just doing it multiple times and at many times your speed.  (They are probably thinking "Nannynannypoopoo," at me, so it all evens out.)  Then you come down out of the hills again and you're exhausted and sweaty and tired and you're surrounded by all the people who didn't go running in the hills.  You try to feel smug about how you survived the hills without walking, then you realize that you've been trailing a 70 year old woman for the last quarter mile and everything comes into perspective.

So yeah.  The park is fun but it makes you realize just how far you have to go...

This weekend coming up, my goal will be to do the same loop but to add another half mile in somewhere.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Fuck!  I think I just jinxed myself.  I mentioned to someone that I had an accepted offer on a place and then went on to talk about all the details.  Damn it!  Now I know the deal is going to fall through.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My 30th Birthday

I'm starting to make plans. 

I'm sure by now, if you know me, you've heard me say that I'm going to hit 30 in the best shape of my life.  I decided to prove this to myself by running the San Francisco Half Marathon.

Yes, the San Francisco Half.
I didn't register, yet, because I want to make sure I'll be able to afford the trip but it takes place two days after I turn 30.  I feel like you just couldn't get any more appropriate than that. 

Training commences immediately.

Monday, December 5, 2011

I was the Hare :(

I attempted a long run in Central Park this weekend.  My goal was to take one full lap of the park, starting at the 90th Street entrance and heading north.  I knew that the park was hilly but I seriously underestimated just how difficult those hills would be on my stamina.  It was supposed to be just over 6 miles but I wound up ditching out at just under 5.5.

To be honest, it wasn't just the hills that did me in.  I spent the first two miles or so getting passed by every other runner I saw.  Usually I don't mind so much because I'm passing people, too, but that just wasn't the case.  Once I started to get lower down in the park, I was passed my three separate guys who were running just a tad faster than me.  Instead of trying to keep pace with them, letting them go by and remaining focused on my goal of finishing 6 miles or anything else reasonable, I decided to blow them away on the down hills.  And I did.  Three times.  Unfortunately, I burnt myself out like that and had to slow down to a walk for a few yards and watch them disappear down the road. 

It was fun despite the fact that my ego took a beating, so I shook it off and got back to pace.  Then I got slower... and slower... and slower.  I was back on the East side of the park by this point and it was very crowded.  I tried to walk for a minute and then get back to it but my legs refused to run.  It was infuriating.  I tried to push myself but my stomach made it clear that if I kept running, I would throw up.  I know that's a part of running hard but my ego refused to admit that running less than six miles at an average of 9 min/mile, would be enough to make me toss my cookies. 

I gave in.  I walked the last half mile back to NYRR to change and get my bag.  They were having a number pick up for a race so I felt extra rotten about ditching out because I was suddenly surrounded by serious runners.  I did, however, decide right then and there that I would 1) spend every weekend trying to conquer the hills at Central Park and finish my one full loop  2) learn to tune out any other runners and embrace my inner tortoise  3) someday become a serious runner.

Wish me luck.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Racing in the Winter

I'm getting ready for the NYE run in Central Park and I'm a little worried about what to wear.  On the one hand, I don't want to check my stuff because I don't want to have to wait on line to get it back.  I'm pretty sure everyone will be hanging out for the party afterwards but I'll be the stag so I'm planning to dash home right away. 

On the other hand, I'm afraid I might freeze my ass off getting there and then waiting for the race to begin.  So the solution, so far as I see it, is to layer strategically.  I figure it'll be cold enough that I'd want my base shirt and a middle layer on during the run but I won't want my outer layer on once I get moving.  That's fine, as it's light weight and I can tie it around my waist without too much fuss. 

But even still, winter running gear isn't that warm when you're not running, so I bought a head buff so as I heat up, I can reconfigure it.  It's a dorky piece of gear but after the Turkey Trot, I can definitely see it's appeal.
This is a head buff.  I'm SO getting an Irish flag one for when I run the Shamrock in March.

If it's really cold, I'll get arm warmers that I can take off or roll down before the race to wear over my base layer.  Pretty much the same idea as the buff, I can adjust.

But what if it's really really cold?  What if I need to keep my core warm while I wait but not while I run?  I mean, getting from Brooklyn to Central Park at night on the weekend can be a trek when it's not a holiday.  That's a long time left to shiver.  That's when it occurred to me:  Why not wear something I won't mind throwing away before the race?  And I happen to have just the thing.  Finally, I have a reason for not burning this shirt!

Monday, November 28, 2011

I knew I wasn't that fast!!!

Okay, I knew something was wrong with my times. The race results were faulty.  My "real" stats are 40:26 chip, 44:08 gun, averaging 8.06 minute miles. That still seems a little fast to me but I'll take it :)
I'm a little disappointed and embarrassed now that I didn't run so fast, I wish I knew exactly what my times were, but I didn't bother using my Nike+ ap cause I thought the race was keeping track.

I wrote to the organizers on Friday night to tell them that there was no way I could have run as fast as they said.  It was a little deflating.  I decided to use it to motivate me, though.  Someday, maybe next year or the year after, I will make it onto the Leader Board.  I may not be first, it may not be with 5:41 minute miles but I will get there.

Also, to make sure this never happens again, I've invested in a GPS pedometer.  I used it for the first time last night.  It's pretty cool.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Finally Downloaded Some Pictures

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday! As the title says, here are some pics:

At the New Museum with my mom.  We didn't blend in with the hipsters, we didn't mix with the artistes, but dressed all in black and white, we did match the museum motif perfectly.

Taking a stroll in Central Park.

Hmm, can you see the resemblance?

^These three are from a day off I spent with my mom back at the beginning of the month. 

The Tartan Ball.

^This is from last weekend before the night went down in a flood of scotch.  The older gentleman recognised my tartan and called me over.  According to his family legend, he is descended from the brother of one of my ancestors, so I guess that we have a great great great ... grandfather in common.  He was pretty cool. 

Feeling very confident before leaving the house.

Nervously waiting for the race to begin.  Sorry, it was cold out.

At mile 2.  I swear I was still running, here.

Right before the finish line.  Yay!  I look fast here!

My wonderful supporters!  I can't tell you how happy I was to see them!  I was tickled pink by the sign!

No, I didn't win.  Everyone got a medal. 
This last set is from yesterday morning's Five Mile Turkey Trot.  I was so nervous.  My mom came with me to the race and S and Wiley the Pit Bull met us there.  I thought that once we were there, I'd find a place to get them coffee to keep them toasty while they waited.  Unfortunately I was so nervous, once I got there, I refused to take my eyes off the starting line.  Woops!  Sorry, guys!

The race turned out to be a lot of fun!  Once I found my groove, I wasn't nervous, I just wanted to keep running.  S and my mom waited for me at mile 2 and at the finish and I can't tell you how great it was to have their support!  Going into it, I thought it would be cool to get cheered on but I had no idea how motivational it would be.  I looked for them as I ran and I wanted to keep running so I could see them at the finish.  I can't explain it, they just made me a really happy racer.

In other news, I told my family how I saw kids on scooters and a lot of walkers yesterday so we're all planning on entering the Turkey Trot next year!  I'm really excited about that.  Maybe it can even become a family tradition, at least for some of us.  My parents will be in the midst of training for the Camino, so they will walk it.  My little nephews will be able to scoot it or walk it.  Hopefully some of my sisters will want to walk, cheer or run.  It could be so fun!

Edit:  Umm... so I just checked the race results and apparently I have the lowest chip time amongst women... So like, if I was at the front of the pack and not the back, I may have, like... won. I don't think that could be right but I had S check the results page, too. I can't believe it. I think I need to run a race against people who are racing to win, and not a fun run and see how I compare. I am... er... shocked... I also just want to stress how much motivation I got knowing my mom and my sister were there to cheer me on.  I'm so used to doing things on my own that I don't always realize what a wonderful thing it is to have people there to support me.  It really makes all the difference in the world.  Thanks guys!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's been a while

I haven't updated in a bit cause all I've been doing is running and I didn't see the point in posting my stats all the time.  Let's see, what have I been up to...?
This picture is entirely unrelated to my post but people like pitcures in blogs, so there you go.

I'm running at 20-30 minute stretches and ran five miles over the weekend with only two one minute walk breaks.  I think I'm in good shape for the 5M Turkey Trot next week, although the hills will probably suck.  I've also gone ahead and registered for the New Years Eve run.  I think it will be good cause 1)  They say that how you spend NYE is how you'll spend the year 2)  I'll be busy running when the ball drops so I won't be awkwardly waiting for people to stop kissing so I can say Happy New Year to someone  3)  I won't have a hang over the next day  4)  Half the people I know will be away anyway.

I found a condo I'm interested in and I'm trying to not get my hopes up about it.

I've been knitting up a storm!  It's my hobby du jour and would qualify as goal #17.  Let's see if I stick with it.  I'm currently making a pocket scarf for my mom for Christmas cause she loves mine.  I have a few things I'd like to make lined up after that.  Maybe a sweater or wrist warmers and something for Brado.

I also accepted an invitation to the Tartan Ball for this tomorrow.  Usually I wouldn't go to a party with someone I barely knew unless it was a date but I want to be more social and it's not every day you get asked to a ball.  I bought three dresses but I'm returning two of them.  I really couldn't decide which one I liked better until I saw my credit card bill!  That did it!  LOL  It sucks that the one I'm wearing isn't the most fabulous one but I do feel luxe in it, so it's okay.  I also bought a fox fur stole and a hotel room for the night, neither of which are refundable, so oh well!  I'll have to lump it!  LOL

I'll try to remember to take a picture of myself to post.

Friday, October 28, 2011

All Geared Up!

Just in time I went and got some winter running gear on Wednesday.  I got a long sleeve shirt, a jacket, an ear band and an awesome Nike sports bra that makes me feel all speedy and athletic.  I'm told that this will do for all but the coldest days.  I'll still need another layer for when it's bitter out, but this is good for now.  Somehow I managed to forget sunglasses, gloves and a backpack!

I got to try out all my new gear last night when I went running in the rain.  I thought it would be a miserable run but I was really tweaking for it, so I went out anyway.  It turned out to be incredible!  I ran 3 sets of 9 minutes a piece.  The last one, I decided to see how fast I could comfortably go, while maintaining and not sprinting.  IT FELT GREAT!!!  I felt SO fast.  It was exhilarating!  I got home feeling like I could have kept going, not exhausted.  I seriously can't wait to get back out there. 

It's going to be a busy weekend.  I'm meeting a friend and his partner for brunch tomorrow, meeting my sister for birthday drinks tomorrow night and then having my nephews and sisters for a spooky brunch on Sunday.  I'm going to try to bake tomorrow afternoon.

I'll try to take pics of brunch.  I'm making witches finger cookies, jack o'lantern pumpkin pancakes, apple bites, mummy English muffin pizza and possibly witches brew parfait.  I'm really looking forward to it!  I like getting all creative with food.

The game plan for this weekend:

Friday:  3 reps 10:1
Saturday:  early a.m. run not sure how long
Sunday: long evening run at least 5 miles, not sure how many reps that'll take.  Might have to walk more.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I'm not really hearing back from anyone regarding my condo search.  I'm going to try Prudential early next week if I don't hear back from anyone.  I'm a little disappointed about the whole affair, tbh.

I've given myself a deadline to move out, February 2012.  It'll have been one full year of staying with my folks by then.  As much as I appreciate their letting me stay there, I'm getting to the end of my rope.  It's really hard to live somewhere that's not really your home.  Plus, I have no privacy whatsoever so when I get overwhelmed I have nowhere to go to just be alone.  If I'm in a bad mood, I still have to interact with people when they traipse through my room and expect me to be cheery.  Everyone needs alone time now and then, it's hard not to have any.

My knee is starting to hurt a bit when I bend it.  I need to run on more even, softer ground, or better yet, cross train.  Cutting back on cardio is not an option.  Without smoking, it's the one thing keeping me sane but I don't really have any other options.  I'm trying to find a gym to join but it's hard cause: 1) I need it to be cheap, 2) if I sign up by my house, what happens when I move?

I dunno.  Bitch bitch.  Moan moan.  I guess I'm just having a cranky day and I'd rather complain that problem solve.  It's just hard to problem solve when you're feeling so stuck.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Goals for the weekend.

  1. Two laps around the outside of the park at 8 minute intervals.
  2. Make scones for the party tomorrow.
  1. 8:1x4 intervals
  2. Stick with healthy eating and moderation at the party.
  1. Long run 3.5 - 4 miles.  Far enough to feel it but not so far it hurts.
  2. Stick with healthy eating and moderation at Sweet Melissa.
  3. Pick up some winter running gear and shades.
In black and white it seems so easy!

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Neither here nor there

I don't really have anything new to say but I don't like getting out of the habit of updating.

I can't wait to run tonight and I'm starting to plan to work some long runs into my schedule.  I ordered two books on running, one on competitive running and the other on running for women.  I'm kind of happy to be at a point where I can start to focus some of my effort.  I started running to music, too, but I'm not sure if I like it or not.  I like listening to music but I don't like that I can't hear my steps or my breath.  It feels off kilter.

I'm going to be baking pumpkin scones for my nephew's birthday party this weekend.  I'm looking forward to both the baking and the party.  Pumpkin scones have been a smash hit in the past and I get all proud and flattered every time I make them.  I think maybe I'll keep this recipe under wraps from now on :)

That's it, I guess.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Goal with a deadline!

I just signed up for my first race, the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot in Prospect Park!

It's a Five Miler, so I have about 38 days to add about two miles to my running!  Thank goodness walkers are welcome, so if I can't run the whole thing, at least I'll still be able to take part!

I'm going to aim for finishing in an hour. 

This week's training: (minutes run:minutes walked x reps)
M- 6:1x5
T- 6:1x5
W- walk only  :(
T- 6:1x6
F- 8:1x4
S- 8:1x4
S- 10:1x3

But that's subject to change.  I'm already thinking I might just try to lap the park twice tonight and see how many reps that gives me...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fear, Pride and Inertia

I don't want to come off preachy or like I think I'm wise or something but I want to spend today talking about fear and pride and the resulting inertia.

I am a person that dreams big.  I need to have goals and I need to feel like I'm not just spinning my wheels.  There is a big part of me that tries not to see the roadblocks, only the road but there's also a big part of me that is afraid to actually try to make things happen.  These two things are always in conflict.  So, I do nothing and go nowhere.

I've spent a lot of time evaluating what I want out of life.  There is nothing I truly want that is out of my reach (of the things I have control over).  So why aren't I out there making these things happen?  Fear.

I spent months last year studying for the GMAT.  I'm still not in grad school.  When I think about why that is it all boils down to fear:

I spent months studying because I was afraid to just sit down and take the test.
When I did take it, I wasn't as prepared as I was months before when I was still too scared to do it.
I didn't want to take it and find out that I don't have what it takes.
I was scared to move to a new city for school but I'm scared not to, also.

So I do nothing.  I've done nothing.  I know I want to retake the test but I'm putting it off.  The fear says, "What if you take it and you still do poorly?"  If I stay here in this place with the possibility in front of me, then it's okay but if I commit to an action and it doesn't work out than I don't even have that possibility in front of me.  It's now "failure" not "possibility"

All of this keeps me back.  Holds me here in a place that I am not content with but I am safe in.

But then there is the dreamer asking, "Is this all there is?  Is this what you want?"  And I can't argue with that.  I want more.  I want to achieve the things I want.  I want to feel confident, knowledgeable.  I want a career not a job.  I want to be a professional, not a worker.

So I need to start stepping outside my safety zone.  I need to bite the bullet.  I need to start working towards my masters so I can get my CPA.  I love my company but I want to outgrow it.  I need to work past the fear that if I leave, I may not be as happy as I am now because I am no longer happy.  I no longer feel competent and proud.

I need to push past the pride and fear that is keeping me from grad school.  So what if I have to go back to CUNY.  If that's the only place that will take me.  If I find out that that is really as good as I am, well?  At least I'm going for it.  At least I will be working.  It's 30 credits.  I can do that. 

So, I am going to find out what I have to do to get the ball rolling on that. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Quick update

Sorry I've been MIA, I've had a lot going on that I was afraid to talk about.  (I get nervous that I'll jinx myself)

So, the deal is off for the condo.  My lawyer looked over the docs and noticed that I wasn't given enough time to get a commitment letter from my preferred method of financing.  Then he found out that they planned to find me in default if I didn't have a letter in that time frame.  And they excused to extend that at all.

My realtor insists that they won't find me in default, after I sign the contract.  And that they'd give me the extension, if I used their lawyer.  That I would only have to pay about half of closing cost, if I used their lender.  But they can't give me a definitive answer on that until after I sign the contract.  Also, if you ask them about their misleading statements, they give you non answers.  Like "I need more than 45 days to get sonyma, didn't you say I could have more than 45 days?" you get, "We told you from the start that you are able to pursue sonyma,"  Um  Thanks?  That's not what I asked.  Also, if you call them on bullshit they act like it's all some misunderstanding.  They weren't trying to mislead or screw you, this is what they meant all along.

Anyway.  The deal is off.  Fuckers.

Running is going really well!  When I stared I could do 2 minutes , 2 times with a minute to walk and I couldn't make it around the track at the park.  Now I'm doing 4 minutes, 6 times with 1 minute of walking in between and I make it around the outside of the park and then some. 

I think I'm going to step it up to 6 minutes running 4 times with 2 minutes of walking in between but I may have to adjust that.

The only other thing going on is that I am going to pop over to driving school and start working on my license.  I've decided that I want a Smart Car in the next two years, so I really need to learn how to drive it!  Hopefully, I won't forget between now and then!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So much going on!!!

I'm met with my lawyer yesterday to go over the offering plan, contract and drop off a check for the down payment.  We talked about some of the details and I was sent home with the contract and all to read over myself.  We're going to talk about it today and go over any of my other questions.

I also have to talk to my mortgage guy today to go over some stuff.

It seems like every time I get off the phone with one person, all I have are more questions for someone else!  I really need one day off from all this!  I wish I could just say, "Guys, if anything happens on Sunday, I don't want to hear about it until Monday!  Period!"

I had a wedding to go to this past weekend. It was fun as far as weddings go (I'm not good at small talk or dancing, so weddings for the most part, make me feel awkward) and most of the guys there were really tall. Unfortunately, they all seemed to be married or with a date. :( Sometimes, I swear to god I'm the only single person left on the planet.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
I really wanted a picture showing off the dress but everyone kept taking pics from the waist up.  Maybe the rest of the dress looked trashy??
The running has really taken off in the past week or two. I feel like I'm making progress and I can see some changes in my legs. My arms are coming along, too! I just increased to 5lb dumbbells.

One weird side effect though is what running has done to my appetite. I need to eat like every two hours and I know part of it is for building muscle but part of it is building pudge, too. I'm going to keep at it though cause it feels good to feel healthy. I feel capable and able in a way I never really have before. Like I can run and I can weight train and I can run up the stairs and all these other things that used to leave me gasping for breath! I can do them now and if feels good!

I've been baking a lot lately. This weekend I made black and white cookies for my mom. She had to put her dog down this past week and she really needed a pick-me-up. (Well, to tell you the truth, we all needed a pick-me-up and it helps to have busy hands.)

I should have taken a pic before they were mostly eaten!

I try to keep this blog light and airy but I just want to say a few words about Casey the Beagle. She was the kind of dog that could make you tear your hair out one minute but look so cute you have to forgive her the next. She was bit aloof but she loved her people and would always thump down the stairs to greet you if you hadn't been around in a while. She unapologetically had her own agenda (usually revolving around food) but she was still a sweetheart underneath it all. She was loved and will be missed by all of her pack.

~~~~~{@ <3<3<3 Caser <3<3<3@}~~~~

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Well, that was a learning experience, I guess.

It looks like the deal isn't going to come together.  I just need a "Yes" or a "No" from one person so I know how to proceed but they have been MIA.  I was supposed to hear by noon.  The sellers won't be dealing again until Sunday because of Rosh Hashana.  My realtor thinks the offer won't stand that long.  I don't know what to think.

I started looking for other properties.  Nothing seems to be in my price range and in an okay area except for the little 1BR but I don't think that meets the right requirements for the type of loan I'll be getting.  This sucks.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Overwhelmed by Being a Grown Up

Like the title says.  That's how I'm feeling. 

I'm also feeling completely superstitious about the things going on with my life right now and I'm seriously trying to avoid jinxing myself.  It's to the point where I'm practically throwing salt over my shoulder every time I walk in a room and I'm teetering on the edge of carrying a horseshoe in my purse!

I'm going to try to ignore the situation.

I've been running all weekend.  The last two runs, I've upped to 3 minutes of running with 1 minute of walking and I've been doing 5 sets.  I'm hoping to make it to six my the end of the week.

Woops!  It's a little fuzzy!
I bought a pretty cool hat yesterday while I was out with A.  It's very 1920's and I think it looks good with my new hair cut.  I'm actually looking forward to cold weather so I can wear it.

Sorry I have nothing more important to talk about right now.  I'll fill you guys in on the news as soon as I have any.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Offer's out... again

God, I'm so nervous. I have a bad feeling. They are acting weird.

That's all I can say right now.

No running today. My back is tender for some reason. It hurt to put my feet on the ground this morning. I figure, if I feel better later, I can run then. If not, at least I won't do any more damage.

The YMCA is having a deal from now through the beginning of October where you can join without paying a registration fee, only the monthly fee. I really want to join so I can start swimming but I'm not sure which one to join!

I made a fig tart this past weekend. It came really good. I think I'm going to use the recipe with other fruits as my go-to tart recipe. I've been baking up a storm lately but I'm going to try not to this weekend. I need to be good and get my post nicotine eating under control. Plus, my mom is making the best cookies ever this weekend. They are a recipe she perfected years ago. My sister's and I grew up on these cookies. Now, she only makes then every few years. Maybe I'll try to get the recipe...
Fig tart. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Things are going well. 

That's all I can say about that.  I don't want to jinx myself.  Things probably won't work out anyway so I shouldn't get so excited.

Cross your fingers!  Wish me luck! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Possibly? Maybe? I'm afraid to say...

...things might be working out!

In other news: yoga may be put off until next month due to scheduling.   Ran today.   Six reps!  It ad my back a little tender but I'm working through it.  Quitting smoking is making me eat everything I see.   I forgot to put on a patch yesterday and I polished off a fuckton of cookies.  I'm not going to put one one today because I already started the withdrawal process yesterday.  I'm going to try brushing my teeth immediately after dinner for the next few days to curb the munchies. See if that helps.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Swimming and stuff

I'm thinking about swimming laps. I'd have to find a pool and I should probably take a class considering I haven't really swum laps since I was like eight or nine. I'm not sure I remember how. I think I'd like it, though. I love water and I love pools, I bet I'd like swimming a lot.  There's a pool at the Bed Stuy YMCA.  I can't think about joining there, though.  It gets my hopes up for the condos and that makes me nervous.

I've been running again but taking it easy and planning on doing it every other day or so.

Quitting smoking is definitely difficult at the moment. I stepped down to the smallest patch. I've been stuffing my face since I made the step and I can smell someone smoking a mile away. I'm also really nervous about not getting preapproval for this condo. I wish I could sit there and chain smoke while I dealt with all this. BUT I'm keeping in mind that it would work against everything else that I want. It fucks my finances, my health and skews my priorities.

I want to run.
I want to keep the $300+ per month it takes to smoke.
I want to have white teeth.
I want to swim (maybe).
I want to be healthy.
I want to succeed.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Burning my shirt

Saturday night I went out for Sushi in Bed Stuy with Alex. It was a chilly night so it took me forever to get dressed to meet him. Everything I own is ugly, old, boring, too summery, too wintery or doesn't fit right. I finally settled on a tee shirt that fit nice but had something dumb written on the front.    I bought this shirt years ago but have never worn it out of the house.  When I was in the store, I thought it was kind of sassy or something.  When I got home, I realized, it was just lame. 

I wore it Saturday because I reasoned that 1) having never worn it out, I'm not bored of it, 2) I'm just going out with Alex, 3) I never meet anyone I want to talk to so it doesn't matter what's written on the shirt, 4) it fits nice and doesn't make me look like a nun.

Dinner was nice.  The sushi place offered brown rice sushi, which I appreciate.  We walked over to Sweet Melissa in Park Slope afterward.  It was nice spending time in what I'm hoping will be my future neighborhood.  During the walk, I got to expand my mental map of that area of Brooklyn and stitch it together with my map of the Slope. 

Anyway, we decided to call it an early night so I hopped on the R train with Alex so I could transfer to the Q at DeKalb.  I sat down on the platform to wait next to a very petite Asian woman.  A few minutes later someone came and sat in between us and started talking to her like they saw each other on the train often.  She said that she hadn't seen him yesterday, he said something about what time the train comes into the station on Saturday nights.  I sat there reading my book. 

Then I noticed that the person sitting next to me had the biggest foot I have ever seen and his pants were just a few inches to short.  When the train pulled in, I purposely stood a little close to him to estimate his height and let him notice mine.  He was much taller than me.  In fact, I found out when someone else on the train asked him, that he was SEVEN feet tall. 

He sat down and started doing the sexiest thing a man can do.  He started reading.  I wracked my brain trying to think of how I could start a conversation with him without appearing crazy.  Talking about books was out because I happened to be reading chick lit (which I never ever usually do), talking about height would have to be done carefully but it could also back fire. 

I missed my opportunity when I sat down away from him.  I told myself, if he gets off at my stop, I'll say something.  In the mean time, I noticed that he had this wonderful awkwardness about him.  He was a reader, he was awkward and most of all, he was a Super Tall. 

Super Talls are a rare breed of tall men that don't usually get a lot of female attention.  They, like me, are just simply too tall.  I've always thought I should date a Super Tall so we could both be tall and awkward together.  We'd make each other feel right sized and design our house to meet our height.  We'd create our world so everyone else was short and we were normal.  We'd people the world with enormous, awkward, nerdy children.

I sat there kicking myself for not saying anything and made up my mind that if he got off at my stop, I'd strike up a conversation.  I knew that he'd probably be gone from the train by then but I said to myself, "If he gets off at your stop, take it as a sign and speak up.  You're reasonably attractive enough, tall enough, he doesn't have a ring on.  You can do this."  So when my stop came and he got off the train, I felt my stomach to a back flip.  I walked down the stairs of the train, slowly approached him from behind, opened my mouth to say something, anything, to make him turn around and give me a shot... quickly I closed my mouth back up, turned tail and ran away.  I walked all the way back home kicking myself for not even managing to get one word out.

I went upstairs to brush my teeth, still so angry at myself for not taking a shot.  Yes, I probably would have come off as deranged.  Yes, I know nothing about him.  He may even be way too young for me, it's hard to tell with a Super Tall.  Then I looked in the mirror and saw it.  I saw the stupid shirt.  Immediately I was filled with relief for not talking to him.  I would have totally come off as deranged.  I was able to tell myself, if I ever see him again, I'll say something but for that night, staying mum was the best thing I could have done.

This is what I saw when I looked in the mirror:

Yes, it says, "Love Hurts"

Lessons to be learned:
1)  ALWAYS be ready to meet someone.
2)  This shirt should be burned so I'm never tempted again
3)  Shopping can no longer be put off

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chic vs Charming

I'm going to take a second look at the studio in the amazing building tonight.  I'm pretty sure I want the cute little 1BR instead but I'm not sure.  Here's the layout of the studio:

If I lived here, I'd need to build a loft bed so I could have a couch underneath it and TV on the opposite wall.  I would put smoked glass on two sides of the bed to separate it from the rest of the apartment.  On that same wall, I'd have a to have a tall narrow table to separate the kitchen area from the living room/bed room.

The loft bed sounds like it's a huge drawback but I think it could be done really cool.  I think I could give it a wow factor.  As in "Wow, that's awesome.  You live here?!" as opposed to, "Wow, that's... creative.  You live like this?"  I'd be able to have people over to hang out in the lounge downstairs or sign up for time in the screening room or hang out on the roof deck if the weather is nice.

The charming little one bedroom, on the other hand, would be intimate and warm.  I think I'd be able to have people over without it feeling too cramped.  You know, like two or three people.  They'd be able to hang out in my living room. 
Part of the bedroom would have to be made into a closet.  I wouldn't be able to fit a dresser in there anyway so I'd need somewhere to put my clothes.  I'd need to work something out with shelving.  The kitchen and bathroom are an issue BUT I think I could make it a cozy little place for me and Brado.  It feels right.

Maybe I'll wait for a chic building with all the amenities for when I can afford to live there comfortably?  When I can afford something bigger.  Maybe the cute little 1BR is the perfect starter for me because it fits my budget and current lifestyle better?  Maybe the smallness of the studio really outweighs the location, lobby, roof and all the other amenities?  I think it does, but you didn't see that roof! 


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Odds and ends

I ran on Sunday.  My back was not happy with me.  I'm going to see how it feels tomorrow and try again.  I woke up this morning but couldn't seem to manage to get out of the house.  I haven't really been sleeping so well, though so that probably doesn't help.

In the mean time, I've been working on my arms.  I think it's going nicely.

I have two places I'm considering making offers on.  One is in a posh building at the intersection of two avenues.  I wrote about it a few weeks ago.  It was the tiny place with all the amenities.  I really like the location and I could see myself living there but it's so small.  The apartment is 453sq ft but the main living area, where I'd have to fit a bed, a living room type area, dining area and elliptical, is only 236sq ft.  It also includes the kitchen.  The bathroom is nice sized, though and very pretty. 

The other place is in a brownstone, 367 sq ft, brick wall, beautiful windows, quiet block across from a park, small bedroom, small living room, tiny kitchen nook, tiny bathroom.  Think cozy.  I could work on the kitchen.  The bedroom would fit my bed.  I might have to build a closet.  It wouldn't fit any furniture.  I could easily fit a couch, TV and elliptical in the living room.  It's a smaller space, but more of it is usable in the living area.  And it has storage in the basement for each unit.

I could see myself quite happy in both places for different reasons.  I really like both places even though they couldn't be more opposite.  They are only 15 minutes on foot from each other so they are pretty evenly matched there.  It's like choosing between modern and chic and happening or quiet and comfy and charming. 


Friday, September 9, 2011

Far far away

I'm spending today fantasizing about relocating someplace far away.  Someplace warm and far enough that I'd have to plan visits.  Like San Diego...  Hawaii...  No, New Zealand or Australia.  Yes.

Maybe I'll even go so far as to find out if I could learn their accounting and be able to work there.  How much could I expect to make?  Where would I live?  What would my quality of life be like?  Would I need a car?  How much is insurance?  What's healthcare like?  What bugs/snakes/animals are dangerous?  Could I find a yoga studio?  What do I need to do to get Brady to come?  Would he be safe from bugs/snakes/animals? 

Yes.  That's what I'm doing today cause as of this moment, New York sucks.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Recap, reassess, plan ahead.

Recap of August:
1)  Quitting smoking has been going well.  I'm just about done with step 2 patches.  I had one minor slip up.  I'm starting to feel healthy and I'm happy that I've quit.  The other day I noticed that it had been some time since I'd thought about smoking.  It was odd.  I'm not about to let down my guard and say that I'll never smoke again, but I will say, right now, I don't want to ever go back.

4)  Running has been sporadic.  I was making some progress before my back went out.  I can't wait to be able to get back out there but the weather and my body have been working against me. 

5)  I've seen quite a few apartments but I'm still looking.  I should have an appointment later this week that I'm looking forward to.  It's in a building that I like but it's not the apartment that I'd hoped for.


4)  In addition to running, I've decided that I'm going to hit my 30's in the best shape of my life.  I've never been anything near toned, but I want to be.  Before my back went out, I had been doing crunches on a pretty much daily basis, mostly while I watched TV.  I was going to be watching TV anyway, so I might as well use the time wisely, right?  So this weekend, I bought a stability ball and 3lb dumbbells.  I figured that the ball would be good for my back.  Instead of sitting on my bed and leaning against the wall while I watching TV (yes, I watch a lot of TV), I'd sit on the ball, strengthen my core and help avoid future back problems while I watch TV.  I got the dumbbells because I've always had flabby arms and I have developed a terrible fear of aging and having super flabby wobbly saggy arms.  Plus, I could to bicep curls and tricep thingies while I watched TV*.

 8)  I've been thinking about my posture again and I think I'm going to put it back on the list.  I think as I get in better shape, it will inprove on it's own.  It's back on the list

22)  Yoga.  I've found a few places, not too far from my house that I'm going to check out.  I think taking yoga will help me avoid future back problems and help me get into better shape.  Back on the list.

Plan ahead:

16)  Take care of my skin:  I use sunscreen every day in the summer but now that summer is over, I'm going to try to continue to take better care of my skin.  Thanks to smoking, I already have more wrinkles than my older sisters but I don't think it's too late to undo  some damage or salvage what's still good.

In September, I plan to at least check out one Yoga place (#22), possibly try eHarmony again (24? 29?) and continue what I started in August.

In October, I plan to start driving lessons.

So, that's how it stands for now.

* Just to clarify, it's not that I like TV so much.  I'd actually prefer to hang out with friends, read, go online, walk my dog, etc.  It's that I always wind up watching TV because no one is around, I have nothing to read, I've already walked Brady, etc. etc.  It's easier for me to incorporate new things into my existing lifestyle and routine, than to alter my lifestyle and routine.  Like walking to and from the train station to get to and from work has stuck because I'd be commuting anyway, while deciding to motivate myself to talk and hour walk every day has not.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Quick update

I've been MIA for the past week or so due to my back being out.  I didn't run.  I didn't see any apartments.  I didn't do anything really. 

S, thank god, came to my rescue and took me to the hospital Tuesday night.  Otherwise, I'd probably still be writhing on the floor, shreaking in agony.  She literally carried me to the hospital in the middle of the night, got my prescriptions filled, and fed my dog.  I can not thank her enough!

Brady took full advantage of my inability to move.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pictures from Hurricane Irene

Brady dealing with the storm the way he deals with most things.
Brady and Casey after Casey had a sedative to keep her from freaking out over the thunder.
The only bad thing that happened was that I woke up with no power and unable to make coffee.  I am particularly dim before I've had coffee and completely unable to cope with life.  Trying to figure out how to boil water without the use of the electric stove was a bit of a challenge.  Thankfully S pointed out the only attempt that worked or I'd probably have burned the house down by now and still wouldn't have had a cup!
There's candles in the coffee can.  It didn't get hot enough to boil.

This one was set up outside but I didn't get a picture of it then because I accidentally lit the whole camp stove on fire and had to pull out the propane and run away:
This was what I used for attempt #2.  Epic failure.

Attempt #3.

Attempt #3  It took forever but finally worked!

Finally able to deal with the aftermath.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Stickin' it out!

The dogs, the birds and I are staying put.  I feel like there is some project I've been putting off that I could totally do if the electricity goes out but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is.  So, to keep myself entertained I'll be reading, giving myself a pedicure, writing... err... what the hell did people do to entertain themselves before electricity?  Maybe that's why everyone got married and had lots of babies?  Just to decrease the chances they'd ever wind up in their house alone with nothing to do.  Hmmm...

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Bucket

I am prepared  :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I am kicking myself for yesterday's post!

So apparently Hurricane Irene is going to hit us and apparently it will be bad.  I can't help but feel like I tempted fate yesterday when I said that we never get hurricanes.  Oh!  And I live in an evacuation zone.  Yay!

Thankfully, S & J have offered to come get me and the dogs if we need to evacuate.  My folks will be away for the week so I'm REALLY hoping that nothing bad happens to the house.  (Yes, I'm probably over reacting with being so nervous, but seriously, when was the last time people in NYC had to think about evacuating because of a storm?)

Tonight's To-Do list:
Pack a Go Bag
Pack a doggie Go Bag
Rustle up some candles and flashlights
Prepare to remove any valuables from the basement that may be ruined by a flood
Put together a FuckIt Bucket for waiting out the storm, including:
          Reese's PB cups
          Maybe some Hostess cakes...


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I know that the only damage from the quake yesterday was to the facades of a few buildings in DC and along the coast.  I know that it was not "the big one".  Nonetheless, I was terrified.  I do not handle stuff like this well.  Part of the reason living in NYC is so nice is because we don't get any real natural disasters.  Sure, every now and then we get the tail end of a hurricane or the occasional blizzard.  We even get tornadoes on rare occasion.  The thing is, we never get them with the force that other places do.  It's nice.  It's safe.  Having the ground shake is unacceptable! 

Sorry, I just had to get that out.

So I'm trying to get in to see some condos in Bed Stuy this week.  There are a few of them in one building on the A train side of the neighborhood.  It's supposed to be more happening over there and it's the furthest from the projects of any place I've seen so far.  The condos are small 350-390 square feet.  The two that I'm interested in have a backyard.  I'm kind of really excited about the idea of moving into such a petite place.  I'll really have to be creative about the layout, the furniture and storage.  Granted, I may see the building and nix it for various reasons, but for now, I'm letting myself be excited.

Ran today.  Same as yesterday.  Nothing new on that front.  I can't wait to be able to get my elliptical out of storage so I can alternate running days with elipting days...

Okay this post is rambling and going nowhere....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mini Goal

I went to get dressed this morning and noticed that almost every shirt I own is black or white.  Mostly black.  Mostly tee shirts and slightly-nicer that tee shirts.  My wardrobe has become extremely boring and monochromatic.  Also, half the stuff I own I've owned for years.  I'd write about how long I've had every single piece of clothing that I'm wearing right now is, except it's really that embarrassing.

I've decided that I meed to revamp my style and replace the stuff that's either worn out, out of date or I'm just plain bored of.  My goal is to add color and get out of my comfort zone.  I definitely need to start by getting a new fall jacket, new sneakers and a pair of flats.  I really need to see if someone will take the ride out to the Lord and Taylor outlet or to Jersey Gardens.  I need some big stores with sale clothes.

Oh!  I went for a run this morning.  Five reps.  The fourth and fifth were hard and I could have used my inhaler but I can't find it.  I'm going to work on five reps until that's a bit easier. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Excuses, excuses!

I haven't run since Friday morning.  I slept too late over the weekend and this morning I wanted to cry when my alarm clock went off.  I couldn't sleep at all last night.  I was fully prepared to push through it and make myself get up this morning but I realized I had to choose between hating myself all day because I didn't go for a run or hating myself all day because I'm so tired I'm just wasting space at the office.  I chose to hate myself for not running.  At least I'll start my work week out on the right foot.

I may go for a run after work.  I've been looking forward to running all weekend.  I think I'm going to start trying to push myself.  Last week, I did three reps per run.  This week, I'm going to try for six.  If it's too much, I'll cut back, but I want to start feeling like I'm making some progress.  At least, if I have to cut back, I'll know what my current limit is and be able to work on increasing it.

I went and saw two condos on Linden Blvd this weekend.  The neighborhood was okay.  Nothing to write home about.  The condos were big but plain.  Boring.  The building was a pre war tenement.  It had 52 units.  The rooms were big but the kitchen and bathroom came off as an after-thought.  The windows were functional, not pretty.  It was very true to the time that it was built.  That said, I saw ways that it could be modernized but it just didn't grab me.

I took a ride around my prospective new neighborhoods on Saturday.  I totally ruled out the Crown Heights condo.  The one that has the park right in front of it.  The block was a little scary at night time.  S & J thought the Linden Blvd place wasn't safe but I actually felt more comfortable there than any other place I looked.  Nonetheless, it didn't grab me so I'm not so concerned.  The original Bed Stuy condo, the one right by the Marcy Houses, actually seemed to be the best.  Don't get me wrong, a few blocks away seemed scary but that particular block and a few blocks around it seemed okay.  I think I may try to spend some more time around there so I can get a feel for if I could live there.

I have another place to see this week.  Maybe two.  We'll see....

Friday, August 19, 2011

Nothing new

It's a little same old same old today.  I went for my run this morning.  I'm happy that I got my three runs in this week.  Next week I'm either going to try adding a minute to each run interval or add another interval.  I'm not sure, yet.

Nothing really special planned for this weekend.  Tomorrow, I'm going to try to get a run in in the morning and then take Brady to the dog park in downtown Brooklyn.  He needs to brush up on being social with other dogs.

He's been getting aggressive lately and I'm not happy about it.  Last weekend he growled at Wiley the Pit Bull.  It worries me, but I think I found the cause.  Jerry the Geriatric Half Beagle will not leave him alone.  Every time Brady is on the same floor of the house as Jerry, Jerry comes over to try and dominate Brady.  Jerry just whines and whines and pushes Brady around.  Brady rolls over and shows his belly, lays down, runs away, ignores him, etc but Jerry won't let up.  Don't get me wrong, Brady is no angel and he'll try to put his paws on Jerry's head or steal his bed, but he's not fixated on Jerry the way Jerry is on him.  At any rate, the other day, I noticed that the second Jerry comes over now, Brady starts growling and his hackles go up.  He's not showing his teeth but his mouth is open and it's aggressive.  I really don't want him to learn to be aggressive with other dogs, so I'm trying to keep them separated now. 

Tomorrow night, I'm going to drive around the neighborhoods I'm looking in with S & J.  I need to map out a route for us.  Hopefully I'll be able to line up a few more open houses for this Sunday and we'll be able to drive by them, too.  (My realtor made it sound like she's out of places to send me.  She'll "update me as she can".  Three places!  That's it!  So, I'm going to see what I can find on my own.)  Then we'll be taking the puppies to the bar with us.  It should be fun.

Okay, goals for this weekend:
Go to at least one open house.
Not to get drunk at the bar with the dogs.
Not to go completely off my healthy eating plan.

Attainable, I think.  We'll see.

Update:  I have two open houses to go to in Lefferts Gardens this weekend!  One is in my price range and one is a little above.  How come my realtor didn't send me these???  One of them, she sent me a listing for another condo in the same building back in February when I thought I'd have another 40K... hmmm...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lesson learned

Adidas!  How appropriate!

Yesterday I was having a bad day before I even left the house to go to work.  I stopped at the store on my way to the train station and bought a pack of cigarettes.  I knew I didn't want to start smoking again, but I figured one day wouldn't hurt.  I'm still on the patch.  I still have at least five weeks more to go on it.  Therefore, if I smoke now, I won't be stoking the physical dependence and I have enough time left on the patch to deal with the habitual dependence.  Right?

It kind of sucked because at the time, I didn't see that I was falling right into one of my biggest traps with smoking.  I always think I can just have one/one day/ one week and I always think that when I'm emotionally stressed out.  The truth is, that's always how I start smoking again, therefore I can't have "just one".

Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I was already justifying, and looking forward to, finishing the pack today.  My mouth was watering, looking forward to my morning cigarette.  The one perk of leaving the house in the morning.  How I've missed that.  Then I thought about how I'd wake up... how I'd wake up at five to go running... how could I go running if I'm going to be smoking... how could I be smoking if I'm going to be running...  These things are absolutely mutually exclusive.  I took a moment to think about which I wanted more.  I chose to run.

As I left my house this morning I thought, okay it was one day.  Seven cigarettes.  No biggie.  I'm back on track today.  Then I started running.  It hurt.  I was more winded today than I've been since I started.  One day and already this change.  I did my three reps but I was counting down the seconds.  It was harder and it was not enjoyable.

Lesson learned.  One day makes a differenceNo more excuses.  No more false starts.  I want to be healthy.  I want to breath and to run.  I want to get fit.  I am done.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I'm not having a good day so to cheer me up, here's the cutest baby and sweetest puppy:

Okay, they made me smile.

Have a good day!