Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Good news and bad news...

I heard somewhere that you should start with the bad news so you leave things off on a good note, so here goes.

I did something terrible to my right foot last week.  On Monday it felt funny while I was running but I decided to power through it.  Bad move.  It started to hurt and I had to limp home.  I took off last Tuesday hoping it would heal.  Wednesday I had to stop running (more like thunking) after a mile and limp home.  Since then I've been icing it but it hasn't improved. 

I saw my podiatrist on Wednesday.  He gave me an anti inflammatory, told me to do 10 minutes in ice water and 10 in hot water, to create a pump to get rid of the fluid.  I'm not supposed to be on my feet any more than neccessary.  I probably won't be able to run my race.  I probably won't be able to take my class. 

I can feel my fitness level dropping and my muscles turning to jelly.

If I don't improve by next Wednesday, I go back for a cortizone shot.  Even if that works right away, I probably won't be up to my level in time to race or start class. 

It sucks.

The good news is that I went in to sign the contracts for the condo.  There's a few sticky points but hopefully everything will be moving forward shortly.

Merry Christmas!!!

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